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A Poor Kid-一个可怜的孩子
更新时间:2024-04-27 20:06:51

我陪妈妈在商场买东西的时候认识一个小孩。他正在商场附近的垃圾堆里捡垃圾,我们俩年龄相仿。他告诉我家里没人关心他。妈妈死了以后爸爸给他娶了一个后妈,后妈不喜欢他而且老打骂他。对他来说,家就像地狱一般。于是这个孩子开始逃学然后索性离家出走。他宁愿自由自在地与垃圾为伍。多可怜的孩子呀! A Poor Kid I knew a kid when I went shopping with my mother in a mall. He was picking something in the rubbish cans near the mall. He was nearly of the same age with me. He told me that no one care about him when he was at home. His mother died and his father remarried so he has a stepmother who disliked him and often beat him. To him, home was just like a hell.So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home. He preferred living freely wth rubbish. What a poor kid he is!

A Poor Kid-一个可怜的孩子

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